Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Visited Parts of the world
Inspired by some blogs I've tried this site and found it GREAT
create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Thursday, November 02, 2006
First Results of Pavement Measurement

Finally we managed to get the first lot of readings from the Heara station for the measurement of pavement temperature. We experienced some problems with number of the thermocouples, but we still got enough reading points through the pavement depth. The graph shows the change of pavement temperature with time for a typical day (24.08.2006). The shown curves are for the top surface, 20 mm depth, air temperature, ..etc. We have recorded part of August, September and October. The station will countinou work for one year.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan kareem to everybody and a pray to ALLAH that he may accept our deeds. This Ramadan work as usual (pls check the alteration in time tables). In Ramadan we are encouraged as a Muslims to be more active in both warship and work and great rewards are waiting us at the end of this holly month. Patience, help and sincerity are the main characteristics of Muslim's behavior in this month.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Back to Business
This week is the first week in the new academic year 2006/2007 (Fall 2006 term). My first lecture will be on Wednesday. This term I’ll be teaching 4 courses; two undergraduate courses in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Al-fatah and two Graduate courses, one in Al-Fatah University and one in the Academy of Graduate Studies.
This term I’ll do more effort in encouraging students to use the internet. I’ve created a webpage for each course (Blog) so student can visit to find out information about the course and also to give their feedback (questions, comments, ..etc.). I’m expecting an interesting discussions and useful internet-home works this term.
The websites of this term’s courses are:
· CE416 Geometric Design of Highways
· CE517 Pavement Design
· TE610 Asphalt Pavements in Hot Arid Climates
Good luck everybody . . .
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Back from Umra
Assalam alykum:
I was away for 2 weeks for Umra (visit to Makka and Madena). It was a great spirtual visit and interesting experience with the family. I pray and hope all of you can do it.
University will start soon (next week), a lot of preparations and follow up works has to be done. I'll be back posting about our research activities soon.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Launch of Heara Station
Pleased to announce the launch of our first station for the measurement of pavement temperature in Libya. Station # 1 is “HEARA” station; is located at Wadi Elhera on Azizya – Gharian Road, close to the police checkpoint just before the road starts to climb the mountain to Gharian. The measurement of temperature will be of the actual road itself. We have cut a channel in the pavement and connected the thermocouples at different levels through the pavement depth.
The thermocouples are connected to a data logger to record and store the measurement during day and night. The station also contains a special instrument to measure the solar radiation.
These measurements will give us an idea about the temperature regimes that encountered in the pavement in this area. Later on it will be analyzed and used to develop a new model for predicting the pavement temperature for design purposes.
The importance of this study comes from the fact that it is the first in Libya and its results will be very useful for the development of a new and rational design and construction procedures.
Heara Sta. is supervised by Eng. Ahmad Hassan, PG at the Dept. of Civil Eng., Univ. of AL-Fateh, Tripoli.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Proposal for New Pave-Temp Station
Engineer Khalifa Saad from Agilat (West Libya) doing his MS degree in Highway Engineering at the Academy of Graduate Studies (Tripoli, Libya) will join the research program "Measurment of Pavement Temperature in Libya" by establishing a new station in some location at the west of the country. He got a promise from the GPCMPT to sponser the project.
To order the data logger Khalif pls follow the link below.

We still need other researchers to join the program and establish a measurement stations in other parts of Libya.
To order the data logger Khalif pls follow the link below.

We still need other researchers to join the program and establish a measurement stations in other parts of Libya.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Measuring Pavement Temperature Update
Dr. Imbarek Blog
To measure the pavement temperature you need to have a pavement and measuring tools and somebody to do that. That’s all !. We discovered that isn’t all; you need to have permission to do that. Where do you think the permission should come from. Obviously, from the authority responsible for highways. Wright, we have arranged for that permission and got it in one week, but there is an extra one to be obtained from the Security (we never thought of that one). This extra permission took us one month to get it. We were hopping to start taking readings some time in June so we can have a good deal of summer season (June, July, August and September). Unfortunately, due to this delays we missed June, July and may be August. It means to get enough data for our model we have to wait for an other summer to come (It is a huge delay). The good news that we will start some time this month and will continuo our measurements up to next summer.
To measure the pavement temperature you need to have a pavement and measuring tools and somebody to do that. That’s all !. We discovered that isn’t all; you need to have permission to do that. Where do you think the permission should come from. Obviously, from the authority responsible for highways. Wright, we have arranged for that permission and got it in one week, but there is an extra one to be obtained from the Security (we never thought of that one). This extra permission took us one month to get it. We were hopping to start taking readings some time in June so we can have a good deal of summer season (June, July, August and September). Unfortunately, due to this delays we missed June, July and may be August. It means to get enough data for our model we have to wait for an other summer to come (It is a huge delay). The good news that we will start some time this month and will continuo our measurements up to next summer.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Qana’s second massacre
Qana’s second massacre
This is the e-mail I’ve sent to President Bush and vise-president Cheney about the American role in the Israeli ware on Lebanon:
Global leadership, exporting civilization and democracy, supporting human rights and keeping world peace has nothing to do with this current American role in the war on Lebanon. Everybody in this world knows that the American administration is playing a dirty role in this conflict by supporting Israel and encouraging it to commit more offensives and mascaras and by abstracting the international community’s efforts in trying to stop this evil war.
Probably you thing that you are scarifying innocent people’s lives and other country’s peace and stability for the extracting of what you call “TERORISM’S GRASS ROOTS”
Actually, what you are doing is PLANTING MORE EVIL in the Arab and Muslim world and you’ll GET MORE HATERED which means developing more future terrorism
May be you can’t accept responsibility of the past BUT you are certainly responsible for what are you doing now. SO STOP PLAYING DIRTY ROLE AND THING WISELY ABOUT THE FUTURE.
Anyone of you can build some pressure on the white house by doing the same. The e-mail addresses are:
President Bush:
Vice-president Cheney:
Please act now.
This is the e-mail I’ve sent to President Bush and vise-president Cheney about the American role in the Israeli ware on Lebanon:
Global leadership, exporting civilization and democracy, supporting human rights and keeping world peace has nothing to do with this current American role in the war on Lebanon. Everybody in this world knows that the American administration is playing a dirty role in this conflict by supporting Israel and encouraging it to commit more offensives and mascaras and by abstracting the international community’s efforts in trying to stop this evil war.
Probably you thing that you are scarifying innocent people’s lives and other country’s peace and stability for the extracting of what you call “TERORISM’S GRASS ROOTS”
Actually, what you are doing is PLANTING MORE EVIL in the Arab and Muslim world and you’ll GET MORE HATERED which means developing more future terrorism
May be you can’t accept responsibility of the past BUT you are certainly responsible for what are you doing now. SO STOP PLAYING DIRTY ROLE AND THING WISELY ABOUT THE FUTURE.
Anyone of you can build some pressure on the white house by doing the same. The e-mail addresses are:
President Bush:
Vice-president Cheney:
Please act now.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Measuring Pavement Temperatur-Test Station
Thanks to the cooperation of NESCO and the GRC, now we are in a position to launch our resarch program for the measurement of Pavement temperature in Libya. Mr. Ahmad Hassan from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Al-Fateh will carry out stage I of the program. The first test station will be installed at Beer Ayad, South west of Tripoli. Infrastructure of the station will be prepared by GRC and the instrumentation is supplied by NESCO.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Pavement Temperature
Interested postgraduates at the department of Civil Engineering, University of Al-Fateh are invited to register in an MSc research study under the title of: Measuing the Pavement Temperature in Libya. The research is sponsored by NESCO and is ready to be lunched as soon as possible. Please e-mail or call in at my office.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
- To my friends: These days I'm busy on the final exams in both the University and the Academy. We'll be finishing by the end of June. Any vacation pland or proposals will be considered some time in July.
- To Postgrads: Please contact me by the end of June to schedule your contacts and meeting during summer holiday.
- To my family members: Thank you for your patence and please extend it for two weeks more
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