Thursday, August 03, 2006

Measuring Pavement Temperature Update

Dr. Imbarek Blog
To measure the pavement temperature you need to have a pavement and measuring tools and somebody to do that. That’s all !. We discovered that isn’t all; you need to have permission to do that. Where do you think the permission should come from. Obviously, from the authority responsible for highways. Wright, we have arranged for that permission and got it in one week, but there is an extra one to be obtained from the Security (we never thought of that one). This extra permission took us one month to get it. We were hopping to start taking readings some time in June so we can have a good deal of summer season (June, July, August and September). Unfortunately, due to this delays we missed June, July and may be August. It means to get enough data for our model we have to wait for an other summer to come (It is a huge delay). The good news that we will start some time this month and will continuo our measurements up to next summer.

1 comment:

Desert Rose said...

Got your blog through Khadija, and found it to be quite impressive I might add.
I wish all Libyan profs. would follow suit especially in the English Department.