Sunday, August 13, 2006

Launch of Heara Station

Pleased to announce the launch of our first station for the measurement of pavement temperature in Libya. Station # 1 is “HEARA” station; is located at Wadi Elhera on Azizya – Gharian Road, close to the police checkpoint just before the road starts to climb the mountain to Gharian. The measurement of temperature will be of the actual road itself. We have cut a channel in the pavement and connected the thermocouples at different levels through the pavement depth.

The thermocouples are connected to a data logger to record and store the measurement during day and night. The station also contains a special instrument to measure the solar radiation.

These measurements will give us an idea about the temperature regimes that encountered in the pavement in this area. Later on it will be analyzed and used to develop a new model for predicting the pavement temperature for design purposes.
The importance of this study comes from the fact that it is the first in Libya and its results will be very useful for the development of a new and rational design and construction procedures.

Heara Sta. is supervised by Eng. Ahmad Hassan, PG at the Dept. of Civil Eng., Univ. of AL-Fateh, Tripoli.

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