Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back from Umra

Assalam alykum:
I was away for 2 weeks for Umra (visit to Makka and Madena). It was a great spirtual visit and interesting experience with the family. I pray and hope all of you can do it.
University will start soon (next week), a lot of preparations and follow up works has to be done. I'll be back posting about our research activities soon.


Akram said...

Umra Ma6boula, I hope we can go for pilgrimage °hajj° this year,insh'allah

LadyCroc said...

Congratulations, you might not know it but you are a very lucky man.
I´ve tried to go to umra every year for the last 5 years but never got a visa.

Prof. Mohamed Esekbi said...

Thank you brother Adam and Sis. Safia. I hope you can go soon for hajj and Umra. It is unacceptable that a Muslim is denied his/her right to go for Hajj or Umra. Actually, It is part of this miserable ear we are living as Muslims.

Highlander said...

#omra mabrouka inshallah and 3oqbal il-haj .
This is an interesting blog you have here, and I'm glad I found you on Khadija's blog.